Gramtion relays your Telegram group messages into Notion. Say goodbye to manual copying and pasting, get all messages synced into a Notion database in real time.
Go to the group chat you'd like to connect to Notion, invite @GramtionBot to there
(click on group title, click Add)
and say "@GramtionBot connect" in that chat. You'll see a confirmation.
Go back to the direct chat with @GramtionBot.
You'll see a link to authorize Notion; click through it (keep all options default).
Done! It's working now.
To see messages in the same order as in Telegram,
click Sort icon and choose 'id' ascending.
You can sort differently, add views, add custom columns,
edit data depending on your workflows.
Welcome aboard!
Gramtion is a privacy-focused product leveraging Senseisoft's extensive experience in enterprise-grade messaging integrations.
Gramtion treats each message from Telegram as ephemeral: received, forwarded to Notion, forgotten. We don't cache, log or otherwise store any message content.
Attachments (images and other files) remain on Telegram's servers. When Gramtion encounters a file, it creates a unique proxy link. This link is cryptographically enhanced to ensure only that single file, and no other data on Telegram, can be accessed through it.
Gramtion uses only your Telegram numerical ID for identification. To function, it also stores essential data: IDs and titles of connected Telegram groups, and IDs and names of connected Notion workspaces.
Gramtion does not process payments and associated data. All license purchases and renewals are handled by Paddle, our authorized global reseller.
Gramtion operates on a serverless architecture. This means no central server exists where data can be accessed. Instead, each message or event is processed independently by isolated functions running on logically and physically separated infrastructure.
See how we're saving you time right away?
per one Telegram group or channel.
Free no commitment 7 days trial
Unlimited chat participants
Unlimited messages